Friday, September 7, 2018

AWS Advanced Acting Class: Local Actor Spotlight: Lisa Winans

Hello Advanced Ones!

Today, we have a Q&A session with an accomplished and active San Diego A-List Actress Lisa Winans. She is represented by Shamon Freitas Talent Agency here in San Diego, and she is constantly working and auditioning, both here in San Diego as well as up in Los Angeles.

I've known Lisa for several years now, and have had the pleasure of working with her on more than one occasion, in the 48 Hour Film Project, and others. I thought I'd ask Lisa a few craft- and industry-related questions, so she can share a bit of her wisdom and experience with us.


What acting techniques have you studied? 

Pretty much all of them, but mostly Meisner and Viola Spolin.

Which technique do you feel forms the backbone of your craft approach? 

Hmmm.. that’s a hard one, because I think I’m a blend of whatever feels right at the time. So maybe that makes me mostly Spolin?

How frequently do you go up to LA to audition?

That is a rollercoaster! Haha! Sometimes I’m up there three times in a week, other times I’ll go a couple of months with nothing!

Do you ever see yourself moving to LA? 

Potentially! If I were to land something that made it necessary, I could do it now, but until my hubby retires in about 5 years, I’ll probably continue to commute.

What is your best audition advice for newer actors?

Relax and have fun! Try to learn something from every audition you do, good or bad! That way, no matter the outcome, you always feel like you’re moving forward!

What is a favorite audition-related story that you’d be willing to share with us?  

I recently had an absolute ball at an audition for Harley Davidson! I showed up and there was a really wide variety of talent there, old, young, models, actors, dancers, veterans and newbies! We had to learn a short dance routine, then perform it in small groups. Next, we had to dance freestyle alone. Lastly they gave us an article of clothing to model. It was a blast, slightly mortifying, hilarious, kinda confusing and freeing all at the same time! I didn’t get that one, but I learned a LOT and had never had so much fun at an audition! Who knew that some of our most beautiful male models have absolutely no dance game whatsoever!! LOL!!!

What is your dream gig?

An epic costume period piece!!

Do you still do non-paying gigs (either in SD or LA)? 

Rarely. I have to really want to do it. I think my time and talent are valuable.

What is the main benefit of joining the actor’s union? What is the main drawback? 

All the big shows/jobs are SAG. It’s where some of the best stuff, and of course all the money, are. The main drawback to joining is, if you are based in SD, you will RARELY have an opportunity to work in SD! The SAG jobs here are super scarce. We, as a community, are hoping to change that, but for now, that’s the reality.

What is one key piece of advice to keep in mind when trying to get an agent?

Be ready!! Have all your materials and hopefully a reel. At the very least have a clip of a monologue, or something to give them a taste of who you are and what you can do. Don’t send an agent a dressing room selfie and say your friends think you should be and actor! It sounds absurd, but seriously, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen that!

What advice do you have on keeping the best working relationship with your agent, after getting one?

Keep your materials and reel current and communication open, but don’t be a pest!! If you’re in a play and they don’t know about it, maybe send them an invite and a ticket!

Do you approach a theater role differently than you do a film/tv role?

Yes and no. The basic stuff is the same, but your performance needs to reach out further for theater, so adjustments have to be made.

What advice can you give to actors on how to best work with directors? 

Be prepared, but flexible!! Some directors just let you do your thing, while others have a very specific performance in their head that they want to see and expect you be able to make that happen. So, again, prepared but flexible!

Do you still attend acting classes or workshops regularly? 

I do not, but I should!! Haha!

What is one of your favorite performances in TV or film? 

UGH! So many! I LOVED the show “Newsroom”! It was a Sorkin show and I think he is an incredible writer. All the actors were top notch, spot on, loved them all, but Jeff Daniel’s opening scene monologue makes me tip over every time I watch it!!

What is one of your favorite jobs that you’ve done? 

It was actually a funny little 48HR film that I did a few years back called “Wingin It”! I was a newly minted Angel, Trix, that discovers Heaven isn’t quite what I was expecting and am reluctantly learning a new job…

It was a really fun role, I got to dress Steampunkish, and work with one of my favorite acting partners! This character was always my Mother in Law’s favorite and she became an Angel herself [in August], so now it has even more special meaning for me.


Thank you to Lisa for taking the time to share with us!

You can find out more about Lisa at her website, including resume, photos, and reels. It's a good site to look at, for future reference, when contemplating designing your own website.

In upcoming months, I will feature more working local talent here, so check back! And if you have any additional specific questions you'd like me to ask, let me know, and I'll add them to the Questions List.

Dave Wagner
AWS Staff

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